“Are you saying you’d rather have a Democrat in power? We’ll just weaken our base.” Some might say. “He’s not perfect, but he’s better than a Democrat in that position” others might throw out there.
Well sometimes, Republicans and Democrats look indistinguishable. This is why we need to ask the real question that actually matters- are they conservative? Will they defend your life and your property when the chips are down? Will they downsize or grow the state?
Principles matter over party affiliation any day of the week. In the era of mainstream media spin, big government locking you in your home, and attacks against the family unit, principled action is the only currency of value among free men and women.
In Texas, we’re seeing a battle over conservative ideas happen as we speak. Don Huffines is setting a new standard for primary challengers nationwide. Huffines received an endorsement from Ron Paul and has backed Paul in the past.
Why does this matter? Because as a songwriter once said, “real recognizes real.” Ron Paul and Huffines have taken the hard stances, they’ve made the right enemies, they voted for liberty when the party said tyranny-lite.
The COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 was a litmus test for freedom under pressure, and frankly, Greg Abbott, once thought of as a conservative leader, failed. When Abbott faltered on issues like COVID-19 lockdowns which forced thousands out of work and closed thousands of businesses, ruining the lives of so many, Huffines called him out on that.
Similarly, Huffines has led the way on immigration reforms calling for Texas to lead the charge on the issue when the federal government has been derelict on the matter. On guns, taxes, and federalism broadly, Huffines represents the true nature of Texas, while Abbott now only reminds us of what happens when good men fall from high towers.
The liberals at the Texas Signal are even saying that Huffines is the true conservative candidate in this primary for the governorship (even if not saying it politely). A recent piece states “Abbott is on a mission to outflank his primary opponents who are Republicans to his right, and one of those challengers has seemingly cornered the governor and is shaping him to his will.”
Who is that man? Don Huffines.
His pressure has been crucial in forcing Abbott to take stronger stances on immigration, vaccine mandates, and even sign strict abortion regulations into law. Huffines might not be leading against Abbott in establishment polling, but conservatives are largely with him on these issues across the board and across the nation.
“This race will only be won if Texans rise up and demand a governor who will actually defend our God-given liberties. Texas is worth fighting for” Paul said in his endorsement.
What conservatives can learn is that primaries are very effective ways for disgruntled activists to change policy. One can constantly complain about the status quo, but they can’t say the situation is completely hopeless. Primaries offer the opportunity for activists to push otherwise lackluster incumbents and force them to go towards the consensus of the base on the issues that matter. This is a worthwhile consolation prize for those of who want to see genuine conservative policies go into effect.