Welcome back, everyone. This is Jose Nino bringing you another fantastic episode of El Nino Speaks. And I had a repeat guest back on in Thomas 7-7. How are things going with you, Thomas?
I'm very well. Thanks for inviting me to have this discussion.
Well, it's been almost a year since I last brought you back on, and that was right on the heels of the October 7th attack by Hamas on Israel. And To say that things have gotten even more explosive since then would be an understatement. Yeah, like the past week, man, you had the Israelis assassinating Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah,

El Niño Speaks 133: Israel Unhinged

Thomas777 returns to El Niño Speaks to talk about Israel's erratic foreign policy and what it means for world stability.


In the final months of 2024, things are getting wilder each passing day.

Israel seems to be provoking a regional war by its recent assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and ground incursion into Lebanon — all while bombing the crap out of the country. Iran has added further fuel to the fire by launching an missile attack on Israeli military bases.

The prospect of a regional war draws close and closer by each passing day. Thomas777 returns to the show to give a nuanced, sober take on international affairs, which you will never get in the corporate media.

Don’t miss out on this explosive El Niño Speaks interview!

Follow Thomas777’s work here:

Substack: https://substack.com/@realthomas777

X/Twitter: https://x.com/REAL_7homas777


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Discussion about this video

A vast vocabulary for well honed subject matter.

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What about all the Jews in Russia

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Far more informative than random twitter arguments, thanks guys.

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Great stuff. Godspeed, hombre.

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