How The Conservative Movement Became a Magnet for Degenerates
Bill Buckley style conservatism is what paved the way for the likes of Amber Rose to take the center stage at Republican events.
With the Republican National Convention now in the history books, it’s become abundantly clear the Republican Party is moving in a different direction. Generally for the better, as neoconservative and Chamber of Commerce dinosaurs such Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, etc. were conspicuously absent on the center stage.
The selection of J.D. Vance, despite some flaws here and there, marks a shift towards a more populist orientation in the party’s political outlook. The days of Bushite and Reaganite bromides are gradually becoming an afterthought.
However, there is still cause for concern, especially for someone like myself, who wants to purge the Republican Party and the conservative movement of all forms of subversion. And there was plenty of that on display throughout the RNC convention.
The most notable case was that of the salacious model and video vixen Amber Rose. Her speech at the RNC made the usual suspects in Conservatism Inc.’s pro-diversity outreach complex jump for joy, while hardened cynics, like yours truly, just groaned with disgust.
Notable Dissident Right author Raw Egg Nationalist made a thought-provoking post on July 16, 2024, where he showcased the decadent state of American conservatism. The post juxtaposed a photo of renowned conservative pundit William F. Buckley, Jr. beside a photo of Rose, as she gave her speech. The post briefly read, “American conservatism 1964 vs American conservatism 2024.”
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I like some of Raw Egg Nationalist's content, but in this instance, his post was misleading at best. Any careful history analysis of the conservative movement will show that Bill Buckley has played an instrumental role in purging dissident elements of the American Right.
As the founder of The National Review and its editor-in-chief until 1990, Buckley used his power to create an overarching standard for the conservative movement to follow. This involved the policing of any kind of hard Right thought or any individual who dared to challenge the DC ruling class’s consensus on foreign policy or race relations.
Whether it be anti-war figures such as Murray Rothbard and Joseph Sobran to advocates of the white race such as Revilo P. Oliver, Buckley made sure to banish anyone from the National Review fold for simply deviating from the party line.
Effectively, Buckley initiated a form of proto-“cancel culture” on the Right that would be emulated by The Washington Times, which also presided over the firing of the late, great conservative commentator Samuel T. Francis. For his attendance at an American Renaissance conference and his body of work dealing with racial issues, Francis was canned by then-editor-in-chief Wes Pruden to can Francis.
Other pundits such as former National Review and Forbes editor Peter Brimelow, who would later founded immigration restriction website VDARE, and then-National Review columnist John Derbyshire would be pushed out of their respective positions in the mainstream media ecosystem for expressing views that fell outside of 3x5 card of acceptable opinion.
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The conservative establishment’s cancel culture not only purged legitimate elements of the Right but also created an environment where subversive actors filled the vacuum created by the cancellations, thereby shifting the conservative movement leftward. Soon milquetoast conservative figures would occupy positions of prominence where they would repeatedly legitimize the regime’s sacraments such as never-ending wars, mass migration, and a fixation with multi-racial democracy. This creates a downward spiral where the leftists of yesteryear, who were correctly mocked, become the conservative pundits of the present.
The systematic and repetitive purges launched against authentic members of the Right would quickly become an integral part of the Conservatism Inc. industrial complex’s ethos. It’s ultimately what leads degenerates like Amber Rose getting a major platform at prominent events like the RNC. By contrast, highly provocative intellectual figures on the Right such as Paul Gottfried, Kevin MacDonald, and E. Michael Jones get sidelined throughout this entire process. Disgusting stuff to say the least.
Make no mistake about it, Buckley has played an outsized role in shifting the conservative movement to the left. To pretend otherwise is naive to say the least. With the few exceptions such as the great non-interventionist Senator Robert Taft, the conservative movement has been rotten from the jump. The quicker we move away from conservatism and move towards a more authentic right-wing nationalism, the better off the Historic American Nation will be.
All things considered, the conservative movement acts as the right wing of the anti-white bird of prey that feasts on the moribund body of the increasingly zombified United States. I say that we put down this decaying body and clip the wings of this bird of prey. From there, the proverbial phoenix of right-wing nationalism will arise from the ashes to guide us to a new era of order and prosperity.
But before we can engage in any serious political action to take back our country, we need to start singling out the bad actors who have put the US on the path to decline. Bill Buckley is chief among those culprits.
NEXT: El Nino Speaks 104: The History Lesson The Ruling Class Doesn’t Want You to Receive
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Excellent points made Jose! This is what happens when people have short term memories of the country. There hasn't been legitimate "based" politicians since before WWII. The bar has been set so low in what qualifies as being based now. How far we have fallen.
This is so good. Thank You