Nationalists On Both Sides of The Pond Face a Common Foe
Infighting between American and European nationalists plays in to the enemy's hand
Being out of touch with political reality is the modus operandi of establishment conservatism in the Anglosphere. National identity is the political question of our epoch, yet many self-styled political experts in Conservatism Inc. would rather debate the increasingly irrelevant points of taxation or get into petty debates about how their mass consumerist society is superior to that of the economically stagnant welfare states of Europe. Talk about not reading the political room.
The demographic displacement of white Europeans is an undeniable facet of daily life stretching from the United States to the United Kingdom. A trend so clear, even Stevie Wonder could see it. Despite the existential crisis of mass migration starting us right in the face, many misguided conservatives prefer to partake in pointless pissing matches about the U.S.’s economic superiority compared to Europe. As if having a larger basket of consumer appliances is the defining metric of a civilization’s superiority on the world stage.
Sadly, this mindset has thoroughly infected the minds of many American conservatives, which is part of a broader tendency in American politics of the country sprinting in a post-European direction. This is the product of demographic changes in the composition of the American ruling class and the crystallization of anti-white memes permeating all over American political discourse.
As the U.S.’s white population decreases, its political class’s hostility towards Europe will naturally increase. There are justified reasons to criticize members of Europe’s political class. After all, many of these Old World bien pensants exhibit arrogant political and cultural proclivities, as exemplified by their dismissiveness towards concepts such as gun ownership or American car culture.
Though such views are also held by the parasites in America’s ruling class. What we see here is a globalist, anti-white consensus that dominates the thinking of leaders in Brussels, London, New York, Paris, and Washington, DC. Besides their commitment to turning their respective jurisdictions into massive, lifeless co-working spaces, leaders of the Collective West make no bones about the hatred of the state-forming people in their countries — aka white people.
Owing to how the U.S. is the least white of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) bloc, has the strongest anti-white policies, and remains the only hegemon in the world system, the DC regime is the primary force driving the demographic annihilation of white Europeans from North America all the way to the Baltics. It has done so through conventional political power and the use of its non-profit industrial complex. To add insult to injury, treasonous leadership classes of Europe will accelerate this process with their own anti-white policies.
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Anti-white politics is all encompassing. It can be found in all of the legislative chambers of the Collective West. And in the American case, it’s a transpartisan phenomenon. Yes, even the purported “small government” conservatives and a significant part of the America First cohort hold views, albeit less shrill than their unhinged leftist rivals, that work against the interests of whites.
Because of the concerted assault against all things European in the Collective West, the great civilizations of Europe and its settler outposts in the New World and Oceania are staring down the barrel of historical erasure if current non-white migration trends hold.
Unfortunately, the incoming Trump administration may play a role in accelerating the demise of Europe, although with a unique twist.
The anti-European tropes flowing across the American political spectrum have an insidious motive behind them. They’re part of an effort to prime the U.S. population for the Trump administration’s move to stiff Europe. Specifically, having European countries increase defense spending in light of the alleged Russia threat and foot the bill for rebuilding war-torn Ukraine — an endeavor projected to cost close to $500 billion over the course of a decade.
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On the former point, Eastern European nations have historical reasons to be wary of Russian influence and would be wise to ramp up their military spending. But such a proposition would be absurd for geographically distant countries such as France and Spain, who are under no credible threat of Russian invasion. To be sure, a more autonomous Europe less reliant on the U.S. for military support is generally a good thing. With that said, there’s always a poison bill in this corrupt political order we live in.
The anti-Russia hysteria is designed to justify further enlargement of the NATO bureaucracy and a concomitant increase in defense spending among NATO member states. To be sure, European nations should be taking more proactive measures on defense spending and trying to wean themselves off U.S. influence. However, they should not be stuck with paying the bill for the fallout created by the Russo-Ukrainian conflict — a geopolitical disaster the U.S. and its non-profit industrial complex largely orchestrated.
Moreover, calls for European countries, especially Western and Southern Europeans nations not under direct threat by Russia, to increase their defense spending is a ploy concocted by the American military-industrial complex to make a quick buck. By virtue of being the largest weapons exporter in the globe, accounting for 42% of global weapons exports in the time period from 2019 to 2023, the U.S. is by default the leading supplier of weapons to NATO countries. Countries in Europe who end up increasing defense spending will invariably be buying U.S. armaments.
Should the U.S. get its way, Europe’s new financial burden of paying for Ukraine’s reconstruction in addition to its fiscal commitments to increased military spending and current struggle with higher energy costs could lead to the Old Continent’s economic unraveling. All things considered, Europe is well on its way to transforming into the U.S’s vassal continent.
A miserable fate if there ever was one.
While the U.S.’s political class merits significant criticism, European countries still have agency and have enthusiastically participated in the NATO scam much to the detriment of their citizens. The combination of the U.S. behaving like a post-national consumer imperium and a European political leadership adhering to multiculturalism creates a situation where white European populations are on an inexorable road to disappearance.
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Continuing to be a part of the U.S-led NATO order is rubbing salt into the wound. When French President Emmanuel Macron proclaimed in 2019 NATO was experiencing “brain death,” a glimmer of hope emerged. Perhaps, France was reverting to its De Gaullist roots and embracing an independent foreign policy where Europe could chart its own course on the world stage.
However, those hopes were dashed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Since then, France and other European members of NATO and the European Union have blindly followed the U.S. in sending military aid to Ukraine while also sanctioning Russia — the latter being an economic own goal for countless European countries who previously had normal economic relations with Russia. In sum, Europe will gradually become impoverished and less white. That’s the ultimate reward for championing diversity and liberal democracy.
With political leaders in the U.S. pounding their chests about exceptionalism — the chauvinistic belief multi-racialism, rampant corporate capitalism, and spreading liberal democracy at the barrel of a gun — and European leaders seemingly co-signing this globalist agenda, things don’t augur well for the future of the West. The present ruling class is on a mission to “elect a new people” by importing millions of people from the Global South and empty out its coffer on messianic geopolitical ventures abroad, and it appears there are no opposition forces to stop them.
A new nationalist ruling class who rejects the petty bickering between Western nations and understands the shared, cosmic struggle Westerners on both sides of the pond face in the 21st century can end this multicultural nightmare. Restricting immigration and moving toward a realist foreign policy are the integral planks of the nationalist resistance against the “Invade the world, invite the world” political order Westerners are subjected to.
Though this author isn’t not going to sugarcoat the challenges that lie ahead: This fight will not be easy. Considerable sacrifices will need to be made and serious brainpower will need to to be exerted for us to correct the multitude of errors of the 20th century.
The first step towards restoring order is to categorically reject the fake polarization engineered by legacy institutions. Those who have failed to grasp the existential nature of the crisis the West faces are destined to get swept up in the polarization vortex and be trapped in meaningless political debates. That’s the spot our parasitic overlords want us to be.
Unshackling one’s mind and thinking beyond the narrow window of acceptable political discourse is of the essence in this epoch of political entropy.
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