They used to say it was vital to a democracy to question authority, to stay suspect of concentrated power. However, generation after generation, the American people have not just stopped questioning those in power, but now some people are willingly defending the same institutions that work against their own individual interests.
Intelligence and law enforcement agencies such as the CIA and FBI are treated as sacrosanct by worshippers of the state.
It isn’t an overwhelming majority spouting off the state’s talking points, thank God. A new poll from Rasmussen shows that some segments of the population are increasingly losing their trust in these institutions.
According to Rasmussen:
A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 46% of Likely U.S. voters have a favorable impression of the FBI, including 15% who have a Very Favorable view of the agency. That’s down from May 2020, when 60% had a favorable impression of the FBI. Forty-seven percent (47%) now view the FBI unfavorably, including 26% who have a Very Unfavorable impression.
Among conservatives and center-left independents, the farcical Mueller investigation was the canary in the coal mine that all was not right in our agencies. The sham Russiagate investigation dispelled any wrong-headed notion that federal law enforcement behaves in an objectionable manner.
The establishment of the FBI was already a threat since its inception was already a sign of further growing centralization of law enforcement across the nation.
These terrible entities are now being exposed for what they have always been, domestic threats against regular, law abiding citizens that infringe on civil liberties and harass law abiding citizens. From the stalking of MLK in the 60’s to the undermining of President Trump, one must ask how many actual criminals the FBI alone has brought to justice lately.

The populist Right now knowing the truth should work to campaign with civil libertarians against these organizations and call for their immediate defunding and eventual abolishment.
Conservatives should follow the call of America First, pro-liberty thinkers such as Dinesh D’Souza to abolish the corrupt FBI and continue to discredit it as much as possible.
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