Jun 7·edited Jun 7

I suppose one reason all these zionist billionaires are now supporting Trump is they think that red-state white conservatives will start joining the military again when Trump is POTUS, which is now the smallest its been in decades.

But even then, I doubt the US could take on Iran. And if I were Putin I would make sure they had some hypersonic missiles (which we have no defense against) and good Russian air-defense gear. That would make even bombing/missile strikes very difficult, plus any carriers would be sitting ducks. And Iran can always shut down the strait of Hormuz and drive the price of oil sky-high, and crash the western economies.

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This is my vague impression as well. There's a general belief among some of these right-wing Zionist types that the Republican wing of the uniparty could make the US military look more muscular.

However, as you note, the geopolitical landscape has changed. The ascendance of the Eurasian triumvirate of China, Iran, and Russia makes it very difficult for the US to throw its weight around like it could against backwaters such as Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. during the unipolar moment.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Great show. Trump's VP pick will be very telling.

I don't think the lawfare will really be a sword of Damocles once he's president as he can pardon himself from all federal charges, and the idea of some local prosecutor convicting a sitting president is too absurd (and the Supreme Court would stop). The real danger will be Trump getting removed (either Nixon or JFK style) in favor of the VP. That's why the VP should be someone like MacGregor or Tucker. Vance is the only halfway-decent one being mentioned, the rest are compromised (Burghum) or outright neocon scum (Scott, Rubio).

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