An Independence Day To Remember
Fourth of July used to be a uniquely American holiday. You could still watch the fireworks with your liberal aunt and she’d even wave a small American flag for a family photo at the BBQ.
Fast forward to now, that same liberal aunt is calling you racist for celebrating a holiday that only meant something to “white males” and is questioning your integrity because you didn’t make a Facebook post about Juneteenth.
Somehow, sadly, Independence Day is now only largely celebrated by conservative Americans. Feeble online libertarians will avoid it by calling it “state worship” despite the fact that the American revolution and everything it birthed was and has been the only thing close to a true libertarian moment in history.
You’ll see on the news stories condescendingly asking who “these people” are who still celebrate it. You’ll see someone on Twitter talk about how they can’t feel proud this Fourth of July because [Insert something about Ukraine, vaccines, racism, or some other trendy topic to feel bad about here].
Yet, you should celebrate this Independence Day with the same level of joy and excitement you felt in childhood.
Remember that through every war, through every depression and recession, through every low point and through every struggle, Americans across the country still celebrated Independence Day. The fireworks still went up, the concerts still played, the BBQs still were lit, and great games of football were still played.
If anything, this might be perhaps the best year for conservatives in many years to celebrate the founding of our nation.
With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, constitutional carry being enacted throughout the nation, school choice spreading like wildfire, and little victories popping up in communities throughout the land, conservative ideas are winning.
You can go to sleep at night knowing as an activist, your work has mattered, and your efforts have made someone’s life freer and more prosperous.
Don’t let them take away your Independence day, instead, have a reason to celebrate it louder and prouder this year.
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The full retail price for The 10 Myths of Gun Control is $6.
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