Canada’s Long Totalitarian Winter
The Freedom Convoy in Canada, consisting of working class Canadians standing up for their most basic of civil liberties, has struck a nerve with the sitting regime.
At the time of writing, Prime minister Justin Trudeau has invoked emergency powers days after leveling his veiled threats in order to intimidate the trucker activists into turning around and ending the convoy protest.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday activated rarely used emergency powers in an effort to end protests that have shut some U.S. border crossings and paralyzed parts of the capital.
Under the Emergencies Act, the government introduced measures intended to cut off protesters' funding and took steps to reinforce provincial and local law enforcement with federal police.
"The blockades are harming our economy and endangering public safety," Trudeau told a news conference. "We cannot and will not allow illegal and dangerous activities to continue."
Progressive Canada, a bastion of post-modernism and cultural-marxism, has now gone full-tilt towards totalitarianism. The trend towards this dark road started long before COVID and way before Justin “Castro” Trudeau took charge.
Since Pierre Trudeau’s declaration of Canada becoming a multicultural state, in order to replace the predominant, working class anglo-Canadian population with immigrants bringing in anti-western sentiments and even more radical socialist policies, it should be no surprise that Justin would see this moment with the truckers as a direct attack on his ruling authority.
To be nervous at this time would be an understatement with Justin, especially with the minority Conservative Party looking to use the disaster of the extended lockdowns and mandates throughout the country to try and restore some semblance of sanity throughout the country. According to the Angus Reid Institute of Canada, Trudeau’s approval ratings have never been worse.
South of the border in the U.S., some pundits have been able to identify this without the numbers to back it up. According to Lions of Liberty host John Odermatt on Twitter, “I’ve never seen a politician so clearly on the wrong side of history as @JustinTrudeau and that’s saying something! I lived through the Bush administration.”

Conservative commentator Gabriella Hoffman pointed out the double-speak propaganda being put out by the Canadian media in attempts to paint the convoy as a threat to domestic security.

So where does all this leave the working class Canadian simply trying to live their life? The political answer isn’t filled with much optimism. There are not many conventional avenues for political change. The New Democratic Party and Liberal Party are stuck on leftist ideological fixations, while the Canadian Conservative Party serves as a false opposition to the Liberals.
As a result of this lack of political representation, Canadians on the side of civil liberties have had to rely on unconventional means of protest, leading us to this moment as the world watches on. This type of protest is effective in how it inflicts economic pain, forcing the despot’s hand as Trudeau struggles to maintain his image of control.
This type of economic damage will ultimately force Canadian political actors to come to the negotiating table, but only as long as the regime maintains control over the narrative.
The Canadian example shows blue states across the US the type of political and economic activity that could be used to cause a disruption of political affairs and compel politicians to reconsider their misguided ways.
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