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Israel is ultimately doomed for a number of reasons - 1) the emerging multi-polar world you discussed where Russia and China will not put up with Israel's crap viz-a-viz Syria and Iran; 2) the Actuarial Tables in the US population with boomers dying off and silents mostly dead already (the most pro-Israel US generations), with zionism being as popular as cancer among zoomers and younger millenials. Can 98% of US politicians continue to be in Israel's pocket when most of the population vehemently opposes the zionist state? They certainly won't be willing to fight wars for them; 3) Israel's own population trends, with secular jews leaving the country, and a government beholden to the settler fanatics and ultra-Orthodox (that breed like bunny rabbits but don't serve in the military). Not sustainable for very long. And Netayahu constanly doubling down (already up to a 3-front war with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houtis, and soon-to-be a 4-front war with Iran) will just accelerate the process. It's possible Israel won't last until the end of the decade.

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