Facebook To Involve Itself With Our Elections (Again)
Imagine a world where a social media platform not only censored and “fact-checked” memes, but also removed the ability to speak freely about controversial issues, removed content it felt disagreed with government “experts”, and even removed the President of the United States from being able to speak online.
This isn’t an imaginary place. This is the current state of speech online in America and around the world. Great job, we’ve found ourselves living in a flat-out dystopian novel.
You’d think after the events of the last few years, maybe our corporate and government overlords would think that if they doubled down on their oppressive nature even more, bad things might happen, so therefore the smart option would be to level off before diving into the deep end.
Well, that’s not the case here, folks. They’ve decided that the solution to doubling down is to triple down.
Case in point, the upcoming midterm election. Not counting the historic election in Virginia last year which saw Republicans retake the bellwether state of Virginia months after the 2020 election was stolen from us, this upcoming midterm election will absolutely be an indicator as to whether American trust in our systems can be restored at all and if the country is ready to take back the White House (assuming they don’t pull the same tactics they pulled last time since more election integrity measures have been instituted across the country).
Facebook, knowing that the nation will have their eyes on them, has once again decided to “safeguard” elections and political talk on their platform.
According to TechCrunch, “Meta [Facebook’s parent company] loosely outlined how it plans to brace its platforms for the upcoming U.S. midterm elections Tuesday, starting with political ads.”
Meta will be “disabling new ‘political, electoral and social issue ads’ during the week prior to voting on November 8. Ads that ran before the blackout period will be allowed to continue running, but the company will disable most edits for them during that time, including any changes to who they target.”
A lot can change in a week. Remember the Hunter Biden laptop? Remember the talks of ballots getting mailed to people who didn’t request them? What is to say Facebook won’t start expanding their “safeguarding” role beyond just new ads? They’ve done it before.
Conservatives need to expand to other platforms to ensure they don’t solely rely on the mercy of Big Tech to allow them to speak. Parler, Gab, GETTR, Truth Social, it doesn’t matter.
Don’t be surprised when Facebook decides that “protecting our democracy” means completely banning candidates.
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