Kamala Karris Will be Heading New Disinformation Task Force
Harris is an unapologetic authoritarian.
Is the Biden regime launching a new assault on free speech?
According to a report by One America News, White House officials rolled out plans on June 16, 2022 that they asserted would protect journalists and political leaders from “misinformation” in addition to “abuse.” This task force is apparently being “disguised as programs and policies”, per the OAN report.
The presidential memorandum noted that the task force defends the online speech of individuals pursuing government roles from critics online.
Several experts view this as a move to protect future Biden nominees from widespread criticism. For example, Nina Jankowicz, who was previously tapped to head the Disinformation Governance Board, resigned following grassroots conservatives’ efforts to dig up controversial aspects of her past in efforts to discredit her.
Now, this measure, according to Harris, will protect members of intersectional groups from online sleuths who try to expose their questionable backgrounds.
“The internet is a place of fear. One in three women under the age of 35 report being sexually harassed online,” Harris stated. “Over half of the LGBTQ+ people in our country are survivors of severe harassment. Nearly one in four Asian Americans report being called an offensive name, usually motivated by racism.”
Harries believes that this task force is a proactive vehicle for making the government safe. The task force will confront online extremism and even protect a woman’s privacy by not revealing her location when she gets an abortion. In the Vice President’s view, laws must adapt in accordance with the times. While boasting about the virtues of this task force, she vowed to allocate more funds to train officials in accordance with the new protocol.
“The collective work will help modernize the federal government’s response to violence against women and people of all genders,” she said. “It will lead to more evidence informed policies and interventions. And it will support more federal funding to address online harassment and abuse, including grants to train law enforcement and prosecutors.”
This task force will also have Attorney General Merrick Garland and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on its team. The task force will be submitting its plan to tackle gender-based violence to several agencies in the next six months. In the next year, the task force will send out recommended measures that internet platforms, state and local governments, and schools should follow.
Although the disinformation governance board was torpedoed thanks to constant pressure from concerned conservatives, many people believe this new task force is an under-handed scheme to regulate online free speech.
This demonstrates the relentless nature of managerial elites. Even when some of their projects get scuttled in the short-term, they find under-handed ways to advance their anti-freedom agenda.
Free speech is clearly under assault in the US. While the state is not as active in undermining free speech like the way it is in Europe, the US has zealous social media giants and other prominent business entities that punish anyone who deviates from acceptable discourse.
The post-national radicals in DC do not sleep. And they will do what it takes to win. We cannot afford to get complacent and assume that our enemies will stop trying to transgress our freedoms when we achieve marginal victories. Ultimately, the Right must always stay vigilant, and most importantly, be ready to go on offense and thoroughly defeat its political foes.
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