
TBH I believe there was fraud but it’s not the US’s business. Let’s be brutally honest, pretty much all western governments have significant vote rigging and election interference anyways. So these countries have no right to be lecturing other countries about election integrity.

I only think the US should ever get involved in the hypothetical case that external actors such as China or Russia set up military installations there. Basically, Monroe Doctrine.

Outside of that I’m pretty hands off with regards to Venezuela.

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A point of clarification does that include ending all sanctions?

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Yes. I think they’re counterproductive. Sanctions not only create a rally round the flag effect for the Maduro regime, but they also create a stronger incentive for Venezuela to gravitate more towards the China-Russia geoeconomic axis.

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I was hoping for a bit more thoughts. Like was electoral fraud, a significant part of the official results. And if so is it any of America's anyway.

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