Russophobia is Crafting our Next Enemy
For Americans, history started on 9/11 and everything that happened beforehand could just be ignored.
The idea that a person like Osama Bin Laden evolved from a child into the villain we all know he was seems to be a foreign concept-- he was evil when he attacked us and he was evil when he died.
Nothing else matters before all that, right?
But what crafted a villain like him? What forces could turn a person from a law abiding person into someone that breaks bad?
Well, with the way the world is treating Russia right now, the odds of the Western world having created the next global boogyman is higher now than ever.
The current hysteria being manifested by the media and woke globalist corporations canceling Russian athletes, competitors, and historical figures has exposed a latent Russophobia that is ripe to create an environment where a “win at all cost” mentality can potentially come home to roost years from now.
Efforts to demonize Russians and their culture only strengthen Putin’s appeals to Russian nationalism and confirms pre-existing Russian anxieties about the West being a hostile force towards it.
This is a nation which saw Napoleon and Hitler amass large and sophisticated military forces from Western Europe invade it, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Russian’s largely will want to have Ukraine as a buffer state from previously hostile nations.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has unleashed a political psychosis that has remained dormant in many Western populations. Generalized crises have an uncanny way of revealing who genuinely supports freedom and who will flip on a dime and embrace naked forms of tyranny.
Suddenly, according to the media, every Russian citizen has inherited the sins of their government, so therefore it makes sense to destroy their economy and cut them off from the world, right?
Just look at the banning of RT in the European Union and Big Tech censorship of RT in the United States. It’s clear that the media does not want anything that challenges their hawkish narrative towards Russia, which makes US military intervention more likely.
The more the US and other nations isolate themselves from Russia and demonize Russian culture and history, the more likely WWIII is likely to occur.
Either way, the breeding ground for the next law abiding individual turned rogue actor and terrorist is already in the making. The Russian children of today watching their country under siege from global superpowers will be our potential reckoning tomorrow.
Actions have consequences.
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