Starbucks Admits That Crime is Out of Control in America’s Cities
Everyone knows that every city run by Democrats in America has higher rates of crime and higher rates of unemployment and homelessness. For some reason though, you can’t say that part out loud.
Everyone also knows that 2020 was not filled with “the summer of love”, everywhere Black Lives Matter marched left a trail of burned buildings and death, and that now the issues of homelessness and urban crime are reaching levels we haven’t seen in generations.
But hey, we can’t call a spade a spade. We can’t talk about the hordes of homeless people murdering and looting in Los Angeles and regular gang violence in Chicago. Nope, just can’t, for those on the Right we’ll just be ignored the moment an ounce of truth leaves our mouths.
This is why Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is one of the most important voices in America today, even though he had absolutely no intention of being so whatsoever and probably wished he hadn’t.
According to TheBlaze, a leaked recording from a recent meeting shows why Shultz has decided to completely shut down some stores:
Schultz said that the stores were not unprofitable but that they were shut down because of safety concerns among the employees.
“It has shocked me that one of the primary concerns that our retail partners have is their own personal safety,” he said on the leaked video. “America has become unsafe.”
Schultz went on to specifically blame local state and city government leaders for abdicating their responsibilities to punish crime and to treat the mentally ill.
"Starbucks is a window into America, we have stores in every community, and we are facing things in which the stores were not built for and so we’re listening to our people and closing stores," Schultz continued.
Wow, truth from a left-winger, don’t get that everyday.
And where are a majority of these Starbucks locations located? The article points to some that we might consider blatantly obvious:
The 16 stores were located in major cities including Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Two of the shops were among those that recently unionized, causing some workers to accuse the company of union-busting. Starbucks denies the allegations.
There you have it, vindication. If you can’t trust their words, you should at least trust what they’re doing with their money because the dollars and cents don’t lie — American crime and lawlessness is out of control.
“This is just the beginning, there are going to be many more,” Shultze concluded.
He’s, sadly, got that right.
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