Texas GOP Makes it Loud and Clear, Populism or Bust
The Texas Republican Party Convention that took place from June 16 to 18 this year set a radically new tone for the state party. It gave it a much-needed boost of contrarianism, focused on working class Americans, and made it clear that they’ll move in a far more localist, populist direction despite what the RNC says.
Texas Republicans are putting Texas issues first, exactly as they should.
One of the most notable highlights of this convention was how disaffected Republicans made their voices heard. That weekend, they were able to fundamentally transform the party platform and move it in a more rightward direction. For example, they drafted a resolution where they declared that President Joe Biden was not a legitimately elected President.
Show me any other state party in the union who will stand on the line and proudly announce that the man who stole the election is not legitimate. I won’t hold my breath.
Furthermore, attendees at this convention booed turncoat Texas Senator John Cornyn for his support for gun control by joining with senate Democrats for helping get red flag laws passed in the dead of night.
Additionally, they proposed an amendment to the Texas Constitution to remove the state legislature’s ability “to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime,” completely crushing red flag laws in Texas in the case this amendment is passed.
They also proposed amending the US Constitution to put a hard limit on the number of Supreme Court justices to nine, which is needed now more than ever. If Democrats maintain control past 2022, they may follow through on their threats to pack the courts.
In addition, the Republican delegates agreed to a platform plank that consisted of repealing the 16th Amendment of 1913 that established the federal income tax.
Again, show me ANY state GOP party actually standing up for conservatives and conservative values. I still won’t hold my breath.
As if things couldn’t get better, another plank declared that “all businesses and jobs as essential and a fundamental right.” This move was made in response to the lockdown mandates imposed by Texas cities that required customers to wear masks and limited business hours.
Abolition of the Federal Reserve and a call for the right to use free-market alternatives to fiat money such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies made it onto the floor, making this one of the first times cryptocurrency freedom was mentioned in a state convention.
The most explosive of the planks hammered out at the convention was the call for the state legislature to initiate a referendum for secession. In one of the first pages of the document, Texas Republicans urged the legislature to pass a law asserting Texas’ right to secede from the US.
In the 225th plank, the Texas GOP delegates requested that a referendum be held in 2023 "to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."
Texas succession isn’t just constrained to the far corners of the internet, the term “Texit” alone is showing that the more libertarian position such as a national divorce, as mentioned on a recent episode of the Brian Nichols Show discussing the Texas National Movement, is becoming more mainstream.
Moreover, Texas Republicans put forward a plank that would address the electoral imbalances of the growing rural vs. urban divide in Texas politics. Namely, this issue would be addressed by the establishment of an electoral college composed of electors who are chosen via popular votes made within each of Texas’ state senatorial districts. From there, these electors can elect all statewide candidates.
Overall, the Texas GOP is pushing the envelope and forcing other state GOPs to at least take a stand on the issues. After spending over a decade to get Constitutional Carry passed, grassroots members of the Texas party are still not satisfied. They are now demanding much more from their elected officials. This is a time in the Lone Star State’s history when the stakes are high. So it will require contrarian voices who are willing to go to war with party leadership to make the GOP correct its misguided course.
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