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Thank you. This clarifies matters at a time when we should and do expect results regarding this massive mistake from the Left along with its underhanded hoodwinking from the Biden Bunch for such a tawdry but consequential cause. That would be the picking up of millions of illegitimate votes. And given that it emanates onjunctively with the UN in its own goals via worldwide social engineering, (namely as a convenient and cheap way in which to return more profits to those who dreamed and schemed up this craven use of direct government for lower wages in general.)


Seen as a tsunami, there will be plenty enough still washed up on our shores after the succession of waves for the Dems to increase their voter base, and the Owners will get their higher profits---lower wages being a fait accompli.

At least, for the time being, we have put a stopper in the bottle, and we have cause for some optimism, i.e. significant positive results ahead with both houses of Congress and the Executive Branch itself for perhaps 12 years in a best case scenario. That's potentially half of the Supreme Court to be replaced by the less colorful, but much more sober conservatives. And if true to conservative principles after this ghastly 'woke' episode, I'll say this phase of the never-ending struggle was worth the efforts expended.

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