Three Areas Populists can Lead on in 2024
With all the focus on the upcoming midterms in November, it is necessary to prepare (win-or-lose) to jump right into the next oncoming electoral skirmish-- the 2024 general election.
I know, with all the focus on 2022, the very thought of 2024 may seem nauseating but to be prepared now is the ensure better results later. While some may need to “take a break” after this midterm, the true activist needs to get up and get out the next day because the work needs to be done.
The Biden administration and the Democrats have ushered America into a terrifying era, but through their aggressions and failures, they have opened up the opportunity for the right wing and populists in general to achieve some major victories that may not have been possible in elections prior.
I have three key areas of victory that can be achieved at the local, state, and federal level if conservatives can work these policy areas into their campaigns.
America First Foreign Policy
We don’t know whether Biden will have launched us into a war by then, but the fact is that for over two decades, Americans at large do not feel comfortable sacrificing blood and treasure in foreign escapades.
The fumblings of NATO and the chickenhawk sabre rattling of the Biden administration has forced Americans across the board to question what our role in the world is. Are we the global police? Are we making the world safer for peace? Are we in any way, shape or form responsible for the rise of our so-called “enemies”?
If you told a pro-George W. Bush conservative 17-years ago that the GOP would be (for the most part) an anti-interventionist party that looks more like Ron Paul instead of Dick Cheney, they might not believe you, but times have changed.
With the Democrats dragging us currently into a direct conflict with Russia, conservatives have a change to draw the line in the sand and put America First policies front and center; the first being peace through diplomacy and not through the point of a gun.
Bitcoin and Crypto-Freedom
Senators Lummis, Cruz and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene are just a few of the loud minority of elected Republicans in congress who have taken a bold stance for cryptocurrency freedom.
Sound money, privacy, free speech and free markets all converge on the topic of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as the Biden administration has tried to draft policies to either kill crypto or instead, create a central bank digital currency that outlaw Bitcoin and replace the physical dollar all at the same time.
One only need look to Canada to see how Bitcoin was instrumental in keep the Freedom Convoy movement going as legacy banking institutions joined with the government to treat activists like terrorists instead of citizens.
Whether you understand cryptocurrencies or not, what you need to understand is that if we lose ground on this topic now, we will never be able to take back anything in the future as the digital-autocracy removes all sense of control of our money we think we may have.
Secure our Border
The Biden administration and the media has ignored the crisis along our southern border at all costs. The flood of illegal immigrants as well as criminal cartels has brought in an unprecedented amount of drugs in our streets and neighborhoods.
Republicans must defend our borders and double down on the effort to build the wall. Anything short of this threatens all other progress and will only destroy any good faith voters have left in the GOP to follow through on their promises.
Buy My Book "The 10 Myths of Gun Control" Today
If you’re serious about changing the gun control status quo we live in, this book is a must.
After reading this text, you will be able to hold your own in any debate with your anti-gun friends, family, or associates. No questions asked.
And heck, you will have a solid foundation in championing issues like gun rights should you take your activism to the next level.
Knowledge is power and the foundation for any worthwhile endeavor. With this next-level information at your fingertips, the sky is the limit.
So make today the day you say NO to the gun control status quo by taking action NOW.
The full retail price for The 10 Myths of Gun Control is $6.
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