Under the Empire of Lies
Since the first mention of Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board”, almost nobody without an ounce of integrity has seen this as a positive thing.
According to The Post Millennial, House Republicans quickly banded together to introduce a bill prevent further talks and formation of this board. Calling it the “Ministry of Truth Termination Act”, House Republicans have shown that no board like this whatsoever should exist within the Department of Homeland Security or any other federal agency.
For this alone, they should be applauded.
But is it too late?
Should Republicans not be so quick to bring out the champagne yet, but instead continue to push deeper down this rabbit hole?
Who helped create the Department of Education?
Who helped create the PATRIOT Act?
Who helped create the illegal FISA courts?
This by no means whatsoever should be treated as a Republican victory (should the bill pass and prevent all of this). If anything, the mere creation and support of this bill should be treated as a victory for grassroots conservatives, civil libertarians, and constitutionalists who have put in the work to take the once neoconservative-dominated GOP in a direction to amend its past sins.
Since this board was brought to the public’s attention in late April, prominent public figures from across the political spectrum have voiced their joint concerns about the creation of this Orwellian creation. Ron DeSantis, Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk are just some of the wide range of publicly respected individuals who all agree this is a horrendous idea.
It is important to remember moments like this that occur in Democrat regimes can equally occur during Republican moments of power.
It wasn’t too long ago that Republicans and Democrats all joined together hand in hand the create the modern surveillance and police state we’ve lived under since the attacks of 9/11.
Republicans will create situations like this and conservatives will let it be because “our guys” are in charge, but then only speak out about these authoritarian measures arise from the Democrats.
Luckily, while we only had Ron Paul for decades within the GOP speaking truth to power, especially during the Bush years, we have true fighters like Rep. Lauren Boebert, who was the one who brought the bill forward in the first place.
Steadfast and true dedication to the constitution, through good times and bad, will be the only way that America will ever be able to pull back from the destructive path we’ve been walking down at home for so many decades.
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