In his memoir titled “A Sacred Oath”, former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper cast shade on former President Donald Trump.
According to Esper’s account, Trump came to him and inquired about the US military potentially firing missiles from inside the United States into Mexican territory with the goal of destroying drug labs and cartel outposts. On top of that, Trump asked if this hypothetical strike could be kept secret.
This may sound like something out of a Tom Clancy novel, but keep reading, it gets better.
While he was doing a media interview to promote his memoire, Esper revealed that he was “flabbergasted” when former Trump adviser and staunch immigration activist Stephen Miller put forth the idea to Trump of deploying 250,000 troops to the southern border to block migrant caravans from crossing Mexico into the United States.
“I don’t have a quarter-million troops to send on some ridiculous mission to the border,” Esper claimed to have said in response to this proposal.
The corporate media tried to take a shot at Trump by making a big fuss about this story-- a story that neither Miller nor Trump have yet commented on.
Whats the real problem? The fact that they don’t want to stop the violent cartels or that the idea of lobbing a missile at them wasn’t politically correct enough?
It’s June, so if the Biden administration had come up with the idea, maybe the best thing to do would be put paint the missiles with the rainbow LGBTQ+ flag before launching them into Mexico.
Woke and destructive, what a combination.
Back to serious matters, if there is one military conflict that Americans would support across partisan lines, it’s a special forces operation to eradicate Mexican drug cartels who prey on American citizens with violence and drugs.
As outlandish as Trump’s missile proposal initially looked (assuming it even happened), it would be more sensible and realist in nature than anything his neoliberal and neoconservative rivals put forward.
At the end of the day, confronting drug cartels is in line with the national interest while carrying out never-ending wars outside of the US’s sphere of influence does nothing to help everyday Americans.
Most Americans would support punitive strikes against these cartels. The Mexican government would probably thank us.
This isn’t some quixotic nation-building project in the Middle East or a fool-hardy attempt to get mixed up in a great power struggle with nuclear armed powers.
Cartels and the drugs they smuggle into the US constitute a real threat to the American people.
Mexico has some bad hombres with the usual suspects such as the Sinaloa and Los Zetas cartels, however there some new kids on the block such as the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación that are using military grade weaponry to terrorize Mexicans and consolidate their hold across Mexico. With America having a porous border coupled with the emergence of the defund the police movement, cartels will have a field day in the US and start carving out their own statelets where they can operate with impunity.
If the cartel influence gains a foothold in the United States, Americans will dream of a world where Trump had just bombed the cartels to hell preventing any of this from happening in the first place.
Oh well, at least we know where Esper stands when it comes to actually defending his country from real threats.
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The problem with an overt anti-insurgent campaign is that many Mexican citizens would side with the cartels and it could easily turn into another Afghanistan style quagmire. It’s not so easy to determine who’s “in” a criminal organization and who’s not especially in the rural areas where they basically run everything and act as defacto governments. The fallout would mean a gigantic stream of asylum seekers into the US similar to those we’ve seen into Europe from similar military campaigns. As soon as the US declares the cartels to be terrorist organizations (which they obviously are) every Mexican citizen would have legal justification to apply for asylum in the US.
Despite these challenges I think that it is highly likely that the US will intervene. As the CJNG pushes farther up north and diversifies the criminal markets they will inevitably bump heads US law enforcement and organized crime which will have no choice but to step in and strike at the root.
End drug prohibition and put the cartels out of business overnight.